Site officiel de l’Office de Tourisme intercommunal de Fécamp


of a furnished tourist accommodation
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©Meublé de tourisme|oit Fécamp

You want to put your apartment or house in seasonal rental?

But what are the steps to follow?

Don’t worry, we explain everything to you!

1° : Definition

of a furnished tourist accommodation

The furnished tourist accommodation is a house, an apartment, a furnished studio, which you wish to make available to a passing clientele for a fee.
This clientele makes a stay there, by the day, by the week or by the month and does not elect domicile (except for professional travel).
The seasonal rental must be concluded for a maximum of 90 consecutive days to the same person.

Beyond a capacity of 15 people, furnished accommodation is subject to the obligations of establishments receiving the public (safety and accessibility standards).

2°: Obligations and recommendations

for furnished accommodation
a) Obligations: declaration to the town hall

If you wish to make your furnished accommodation available to a passing clientele, you must first of all make your declaration at the town hall – Cerfa form N°14004*04 for furnished accommodation.

This declaration is obligatory, a receipt of the declaration of furnished tourist accommodation rental is given to the declarant by the town hall.

b) Recommendations : The classification

Ranking is voluntary and valid for 5 years issued by the organization in charge of ranking visits from 1* to 5* for all accommodations.

A ranking table (133 criteria) operating on a point system with mandatory and à la carte criteria.

  • The procedure
    • The owner of furnished accommodation sends the request for classification to the organization of his choice,
    • The owner of furnished accommodation or his agent orders the control visit,
    • The accredited control organization makes an appointment and carries out the visit under the conditions provided for in the order of 02/08/10.
    • The referent carries out the inspection visit and submits its inspection report (summary report and inspection grid) within 15 days.
    • The classification visit is carried out on site and concerns only the property mentioned in the application for classification.
    • The accredited inspection body makes the classification decision within 1 month
    • The renter (or his agent) has a period of fifteen days to refuse the classification proposal. Beyond this period, the classification is acquired.
  • The advantages
    • Visibility: Classification decisions are transmitted, monthly, electronically, by the organizations in charge of the classification visits to the departmental tourism organization concerned (CDT, ADT, …), responsible for making available and keeping updated free of charge the list of classified furnished accommodation in the department.
    • Taxation:the renter whose furnished accommodation is classified benefits from a lump-sum deduction of 71% on his profit if he makes a turnover of less than €82,800 per year.

Contacts in our geographical area:

Logo Accueil Paysan

Accueil Paysan : 02 35 20 24 11 – 06 76 51 70 41
1 impasse du cap – 76310 Sainte-Adresse
Hours: Monday through Friday: 2:00 – 6:00 pm


Logo ADTER 4

ADTER: 02 35 60 65 66
8 rue Linus Carl Pauling – BP 80 – 76827 Mont St Aignan cedex
Hours: Monday to Friday: 9am – 12:30pm / 1pm – 5:30pm


Logo Clé Vacances

: Céline ADREIT : 06 17 41 90 21

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