Cap Fagnet©Cap Fagnet|Lefebvre ImagesCape FagnetThe Cap Fagnet circuit in Fécamp,is one of the most beautiful hikes to do in...Read moreAbbatiale de la Sainte Trinité©Abbatiale de la Sainte Trinité|Hélène HouelleThe Abbey of the Holy TrinityClassified since 1840 on the first list of Historic Monuments, the Abbey of the Holy...Read moreMusee Des Pêcheries - extérieur©Musee Des Pêcheries de Fécamp - extérieur|OIT FECAMPThe Fisheries, Museum of FécampCapital of the Alabaster Coast, Fécamp lives around a dynamic port, which has developed over the centuries to become the first French cod port. Fitted in a former cod drying...Read more©Lefebvre ImagesLighthouses and BoomsFécamp, in Normandy, is known for its red lighthouse, but have you ever noticed its...Read morePalais Bénédictine©Palais Bénédictine|OIT FECAMPThe Benedictine PalaceThe story begins in 1510 within the Abbey of Fécamp itself, when a Benedictine monk...Read more